
I develop statistical and machine learning methods with real-world applications in the areas of:

Please see my Google Scholar page for a full list of publications. Here, I highlight some of my research.


Liu, Y., Levis, A. W., Zhu, K., Yang, S., Gilbert, P. B., & Han, L. (2025). Targeted Data Fusion for Causal Survival Analysis Under Distribution Shift. [arXiv]

Liu, Y., Zhu, K., Han, L., & Yang, S. (2025). COADVISE: Covariate Adjustment with Variable Selection and Missing Data Imputation in Randomized Controlled Trials. [arXiv]

Han, L., Hou, J., Cho, K., Duan, R., & Cai, T. (2025). Federated adaptive causal estimation (face) of target treatment effects. [Journal of the American Statistical Association]


Gao, C., Gilbert, P. B., & Han, L. (2024). On the Role of Surrogates in Conformal Inference of Individual Causal Effects. [arXiv]

Guo, Z., Li, X., Han, L., & Cai, T. (2024). Robust inference for federated meta-learning. [Journal of the American Statistical Association]

Han, L. (2024). Truncated, Not Forgotten—Handling Left Truncation in Time-to-Event Studies. [NEJM Evidence]

Rubinstein, M., Agniel, D., Han, L., Horvitz-Lennon, M., & Normand, S. L. (2024). Bounding causal effects with an unknown mixture of informative and non-informative censoring. [arXiv]

Bather, J. R., Han, L., Bennett, A. S., Elliott, L., & Goodman, M. S. (2024). Detecting univariate, bivariate, and overall effects of drug mixtures using Bayesian kernel machine regression. [The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse]

Gilbert, P. B., Peng, J., Han, L., … & Diaz, I. (2024). A surrogate endpoint based provisional approval causal roadmap. [arXiv]

Han, L., Li, Y., Niknam, B., & Zubizarreta, J. R. (2024). Privacy-preserving, communication-efficient, and target-flexible hospital quality measurement. [The Annals of Applied Statistics]

Liu, Y., Levis, A., Normand, S. & Han, L. (2024). Multi-Source Conformal Inference Under Distribution Shift. [Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)]

Han, L., Arfè, A., & Trippa, L. (2024). Sensitivity Analyses of Clinical Trial Designs: Selecting Scenarios and Summarizing Operating Characteristics. [The American Statistician]


Han, L., Shen, Z., & Zubizarreta, J. (2023). Multiply robust federated estimation of targeted average treatment effects. [Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS)]

Han, L. (2023). Breaking free from the hazard ratio: embracing the restricted mean survival time in clinical trials. [NEJM Evidence]

Wang, X., Parast, L., Han, L., Tian, L., & Cai, T. (2023). Robust approach to combining multiple markers to improve surrogacy. [Biometrics]

Zhang, H. G., Honerlaw, J. P., Maripuri, M., …, 4CE Consortium (Han, L.),…, & Brat, G. A. (2023). Potential pitfalls in the use of real-world data for studying long COVID. [Nature Medicine]


Han, L., Wang, X., & Cai, T. (2022). Identifying surrogate markers in real‐world comparative effectiveness research. [Statistics in Medicine]

Day, S., Hlatshwako, T. G., Lloyd, A., Han, L., Tang, W., Bayus, B., & Tucker, J. D. (2022). Evaluating and volunteering for crowdsourced interventions: Cross-sectional data on COVID-19 safety from a University Survey. [Plos One]

Weber, G. M., Hong, C., Xia, Z., …, 4CE Consortium (Han, L.), …, & Brat, G. A. (2022). International comparisons of laboratory values from the 4CE collaborative to predict COVID-19 mortality. NPJ Digital Medicine


Han, L., Tang, W., Ritchwood, T., … & Tucker, J. (2021). Joint international consensus statement on crowdsourcing challenge contests in health and medicine: results of a modified Delphi process. [BMJ Open]

Nauffal, V., Marstrand, P., Han, L., … & Ho, C. Y. (2021). Worldwide differences in primary prevention implantable cardioverter defibrillator utilization and outcomes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. [European Heart Journal]

Marston, N. A., Han, L., Olivotto, I., … & Ho, C. Y. (2021). Clinical characteristics and outcomes in childhood-onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. [European Heart Journal]

Lakdawala, N. K., Olivotto, I., Day, S. M., Han, L., … & Ho, C. Y. (2021). Associations between female sex, sarcomere variants, and clinical outcomes in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. [Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine]


Wang, C., Han, L., Stein, G., … & Tucker, J. D. (2020). Crowdsourcing in health and medical research: a systematic review. [Infectious Diseases of Poverty]

Sidhu, K., Han, L., Picard, K. C., Tedrow, U. B., & Lakdawala, N. K. (2020). Ventricular tachycardia in cardiolaminopathy: characteristics and considerations for device programming. [Heart Rhythm]

Marstrand, P., Han, L., Day, S. M., … & SHaRe Investigators. (2020). Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with left ventricular systolic dysfunction: insights from the SHaRe registry. [Circulation]

Halpaap, B. M., Tucker, J. D., Mathanga, D., …Han, L., …, & Reeder, J. C. (2020). Social innovation in global health: sparking location action. [The Lancet Global Health]


McCoy Jr, T. H., Han, L., Pellegrini, A. M., Tanzi, R. E., Berretta, S., & Perlis, R. H. (2019). Stratifying risk for dementia onset using large-scale electronic health record data: a retrospective cohort study. [Alzheimer’s & Dementia]

Han, L., Fine, J., Robinson, S. M., Boyle, A. A., Freeman, M., & Scholtes, S. (2019). Is seniority of emergency physician associated with the weekend mortality effect? An exploratory analysis of electronic health records in the UK. [Emergency Medicine Journal]

Li, K. T., Tang, W., Wu, D., …, Han, L., … & Tucker, J. D. (2019). Pay-it-forward strategy to enhance uptake of dual gonorrhea and chlamydia testing among men who have sex with men in China: a pragmatic, quasi-experimental study. [The Lancet Infectious Diseases]

[2018 and earlier]

Qin, Y., Han, L., Babbitt, A., … & Tucker, J. D. (2018). Experiences using and organizing HIV self-testing. [AIDS]

Wong, N. S., Tang, W., Han, L., … & Tucker, J. D. (2017). MSM HIV testing following an online testing intervention in China. [BMC Infectious Diseases]

Han, L., Hudgens, M. G., Emch, M. E., … & Hoffman, I. F. (2017). RTS, S/AS01 malaria vaccine efficacy is not modified by seasonal precipitation: results from a phase 3 randomized controlled trial in Malawi. [Scientific Reports]

Han, L., Wei, C., Muessig, K. E., Bien, C. H., Meng, G., Emch, M. E., & Tucker, J. D. (2017). HIV test uptake among MSM in China: implications for enhanced HIV test promotion campaigns among key populations. [Global Public Health]

Zhang, T. P., Liu, C., Han, L., … & Tucker, J. D. (2017). Community engagement in sexual health and uptake of HIV testing and syphilis testing among MSM in China: a cross‐sectional online survey. [Journal of the International AIDS Society]

Tang, W., Han, L., Best, J., … & Tucker, J. D. (2016). Crowdsourcing HIV test promotion videos: a noninferiority randomized controlled trial in China. [Clinical Infectious Diseases]

Han, L., Bien, C. H., Wei, C., … & Tucker, J. D. (2014). HIV self-testing among online MSM in China: implications for expanding HIV testing among key populations. [Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes]